​​Or send cash donations to:

South Skyline Emergency Preparedness Organization

Attn:  Judy Sencenbaugh

22400 Skyline Blvd, Box 5
La Honda, CA.  94020

 We THANK YOU for your contribution and support!


Or make your donation through the South Skyline Association website:


SSEPO is a 501c3 status non-profit organization.

            Tax ID #: 52-2364068

Donations are much appreciated.  Contributions are used to provide support to South Skyline Neighborhoods for use in procuring emergency preparedness equipment and supplies.  For instance, in the past your donation has been used as follows:

  • Neighborhood emergency communication equipment grants
  • Purchase of a storage container and ongoing maintenance
  • Medical equipment and supplies
  • Generators and fuel
  • Tents and cots
  • Maps and map printing
  • Ham radio equipment
  • Training event fees

You can securely donate online here: